In a way you can't blame us. Most people lack courage, and homosexuals are no exception. That's why what you people at ONE have dared to do is a constant source of wonder and amazement to any of us who stop to think about it. Which I often do, believe me. The debt owed you is incalculable, your courage unbelievable.

That is why it is so profoundly discouraging that most homosexuals, even when they come to know about you, won't lift a finger to help and are too fearful even to risk a subscription to the Magazine. You have a long, long way to go. You must know that. How you keep going in the face of the apathy and hostility that are your daily lot I, for one, can't imagine.

Dear ONE:

Mr. S.


Enclosed herewith is a money order for my Membership, as per the application you sent. Being a Friend of ONE is something that everyone interested in the cause should realize. It is for their benefit to join as quickly as possible, so as to help this most worthy cause of their very own.

Dear Bill:

Mr. W. Washington, D. C.

You're probably getting millions of these clippings from New York, but here are a couple more for your collection. I know you're broke but unfortunately so am I. I couldn't squeeze out as much as five dollars this pay period. As soon as my expenses are cut just a bit I'll do better by you.

I've passed on the folders about ONE which you sent and could use a couple more of them. I'd gladly read proof for you if I lived out there. I imagine you have to use cheaper printers who wouldn't necessarily follow up all corrections. Maybe you don't see "foundry". And then again, maybe you're all too rushed and tired and busy to catch everything! I was interested in noting some grammatical errors in the legal briefs (QUARTERLY No. 8)lawyers I'll bet aren't the best grammarians! Miss R.

Dear Sirs:

New York, N. Y.

The books I ordered were delivered to me yesterday. It has occurred to me that I did not include in my check anything for shipping charges. I am herewith enclosing a dollar bill for the same.

Mr. S. Philadelphia, Pa.


Dear Friends:

With the Democrats in power in the White

House for the next four years, how can we win or gain any ground? I would appreciate your personal reply on this before I subscribe or donate to ONE.

Dear Mr. Slater:

Mr. N.

Kansas City, Mo.

Bravo to you and to ONE for the recent articles on military service and security risks. They have been quite apt. How distasteful the hypocrisy of our government seems at times. People are commended one day, not much later are condemned. Can a day or a month change their character so greatly? Can the mere fact of being a homosexual change an individual from an honorable to a dishonorable citizen. Not likely!

The covers on your past few issues have been superb, as has been the material printed within, but I do miss Dr. Baker's column. I hope she can soon return to our little group of writers.

Dear Friends:

Mr. S. Washington, D. C.

In the hope of encouraging people to laugh at themselves a little more (we do take ourselves rather too seriously you know) I am sending you a few little touches of whimsey which I hope you will find amusing. I was delighted with the little bit (August, 1960) about Eunuchs . . . Tunics.

"What is the definition of a Gay Cowboy? He's a Prairie Fairy." Or this one, "I think that I shall never see, another auntie queer as me." Now I'll riddle you a riddle, "If I'm one, and you're one, and it takes one to know one; what is ONE?" Please turn to page sixtynine and stand on your head in front of a mirror, because the answer is printed upside down and backwards. You've probably guessed it, "It's a non-profit Corporation, etc....'


Dear Sirs:

Mr. W.

Los Angeles, Calif.

I have recently finished reading and enjoyed, "The Gentle Deception," by Neil Summers (October, 1960). It's a pity that things. never happen that way in real life. Show me one gay person that's lived happily ever after. I really love ONE and think it should be made more easily "get-able"-I have to travel twenty-five miles to New York to get it.

Dear Dal:

Miss M. Harrison, N. Y.

Greetings from Old New Orleans! Things are really tight here. We are wondering just how long this will continue. It is getting to the point that they have closed all but four of the